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Project Love

Project LOVE

The LOVE project works with women and adolescents between the ages of 8 – 15 from the Santa Monica community. The mission is to share the love of God through crafts, english class, discipleship and also lead them to discover their potential and personal value. They then can contribute to the economic, cultural and social development of the whole community.
Crafts, an active part and the creator of material culture, is “driven by the art of knowing and doing, influenced by the environment, culture and local traditions.” In this way, craftsmanship is linked to natural resources, lifestyle and the practice of commerce with neighboring communities, in which learning is acquired through living and imitating the practice and management of materials and tools.


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Rua Josadark Alves de França, 11
Santa Mônica - CEP 54767-620
Camaragibe – Pernambuco / Brazil
Mailing Address
Caixa Postal 64 – Camaragibe
CEP 54765-970 – Pernambuco