Call us: +55 (81) 3458-2684



Claiming Victory

NIKO was founded in 1985 in Hawaii as a King’s Kids International program to train evangelism teams before going abroad, taking them out of their comfort zone and teaching them about surrender for better teamwork and servant leadership . NIKO comes from the Greek and is pronounced “nee-ko”. It means: to subdue, to conquer, to surpass or to obtain the victory.

NIKO allows learning through doing rather than just listening. It will challenge you in your personal walk with God and with others through practical experiences. You will be challenged to use your initiative, creativity, compassion, responsibility, and trust through service to others. You will also be challenged to discover both your strengths and your mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional weaknesses.


For 2019

  • 16 to 28 of january 2020
  • 09 to 12 of april 2020
  • 14 to 17 of september 2020


  • R$ 250,00
    (R$ 220.00 for YWAM Recife students)


  • Must be over 14 years old;
  • Complete application form.


Questions about NIKO?

12 + 5 =


Rua Josadark Alves de França, 11
Santa Mônica - CEP 54767-620
Camaragibe – Pernambuco / Brazil
Mailing Address
Caixa Postal 64 – Camaragibe
CEP 54765-970 – Pernambuco