Call us: +55 (81) 3458-2684



At YWAM Recife there are several opportunities for you

Our YWAM family here in Recife is very diversified. We have Samoans, Brazilians, Americans, Dutch, Africans, Chileans, Canadians, New Zealanders, along with all their different cultures and giftings and talents. This has enriched our community and taught us to celebrate the diversity of the nations and learn more about the creativity of our Creator.

The requirements for being a YWAM staff in Recife are:

  • You have satisfactorily completed the DTS (Training and Discipleship School) including the practical phase.
  • You have completed the staff application forms we will send you after your initial contact.

Amongst the opportunities for workers in YWAM Recife:

  • Education: Teachers for preschool and elementary education, secretarial and other areas.
  • Training: DTS staff and other second-level courses.
  • Communications: Web designer, graphic designer, programmers and others.
  • IT / Tech: programmers, project managers, UI designers.
  • Maintenance and Services: carpenter, plumber, electrician, bricklayer, mechanic, cook.
  • Evangelism
  • Accounting




For more information, please contact us through the form below. We would love to have you with us!


9 + 15 =


Rua Josadark Alves de França, 11
Santa Mônica - CEP 54767-620
Camaragibe – Pernambuco / Brazil
Mailing Address
Caixa Postal 64 – Camaragibe
CEP 54765-970 – Pernambuco