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Community Development School

Community Development School

Bilingual – Portuguese / English

CDS offers training in a biblical approach to community transformation in all spheres of society. Beginning with the integral development of the individual and his relationship with God. The principles and practices of this course are designed to enable change in varied environments, from rural to urban, with a mind focused on the current possibilities of the globalized world. The course is designed to equip students with skills that will enable communities of different sizes to initiate and carry out strategic activities with the ultimate goal of leading life and growth in accordance with God’s purposes in establishing His kingdom on earth. The curriculum helps the participant to cultivate a solid practical knowledge of transformation, developmental values, fundamental skills, devout character, and good relationships.

Some topics addressed in the school:
• Development dynamics; biblical worldview; principles of biblical counseling; church planting; basic sanitation and environmental stewardship; the local church and development; economic development; among others.

The CDS is registered at the University of the Nations with 24 credits, and happens once a year.


Lecture: Sep, 29, 2025 to Dec 21, 2025



Registration – R$ 300,00
A Countries – Lecture phase – R$6.600,00
1x de R$ 2.000,00 + 2x R$ 2.300,00)
Payment upon arrival – R$6.400,00

B Countries – Lecture phase – R$3.700,00                       
1x de R$ 1.100,00  + 2x R$ 1.300,00

Payment upon arrival – R$3.550,00

C Countries – Lecture phase – R$3.400,00.                        
1x de R$ 1.000,00 + 2x R$ 1.200,00

Lecture phase includes: Teaching, housing & food.

NIKO – R$ 300,00 for students.
Evangelistic Outreach – Starts at R$ 100,00.
* See below the classification of the countries table.
* Discount of R $ 150,00 for payment in cash, before the beginning of school.




  • Have successful completed a DTS;
  • Recommendation of YWAM leadership and Pastor;
  • Submission of a completed and signed application.

Classification of the Countries Table

Type A
A – Andorra
A – Antigua & Barbados
A – Aruba
A – Australia
A – Austria
A – Bahamas, The
A – Bahrain
A – Barbados
A – Belgium
A – Bermuda
A – British Virgin Islands
A – Brunei
A – Canada
A – Cayman Islands
A – Croatia
A – Cyprus
A – Czech Republic
A – Denmark
A – Equatorial Guinea
A – Estonia
A – Falkland Islands
A – Faroe Islands
A – Finland
A – France
A – French Polynesia
A – Germany
A – Gibraltar
A – Greece
A – Greenland
A – Guam
A – Guernsey
A – Hong Kong
A – Hungary
A – Iceland
A – Ireland
A – Israel
A – Italy
A – Japan
A – Korea, South
A – Kuwait
A – Liechtenstein
A – Lithuania
A – Luxembourg
A – Macau
A – Malta
A – Man, Isle of
A – Monaco
A – Netherlands
A – Netherlands Antilles
A – New Caledonia
A – New Zealand
A – Norway
A – Oman
A – Poland
A – Portugal
A – Puerto Rico
A – Qatar
A – Saint Kitts & Nevis
A – San Marino
A – Saudi Arabia
A – Seychelles
A – Singapore
A – Slovakia
A – Slovenia
A – Spain
A – Sweden
A – Switzerland
A – Taiwan
A – Trinidad & Tobago
A – United Arab Emirates
A – United Kingdom
A – United States
A – Virgin Islands
Type B
B – American Samoa
B – Anguilla
B – Argentina
B – Azerbaijan
B – Belarus
B – Belize
B – Botswana
B – Brazil
B – Bulgaria
B – Chile
B – Colombia
B – Cook Islands
B – Costa Rica
B – Cuba
B – Dominica
B – Dominican Republic
B – Ecuador
B – El Salvador
B – Gabon
B – Grenada
B – Iran
B – Jamaica
B – Kazakhstan
B – Latvia
B – Lebanon
B – Libya
B – Macedonia
B – Malaysia
B – Mauritius
B – Mexico
B – Montenegro
B – Northern Mariana Isla.
B – Palau Islands
B – Panama
B – Peru
B – Romania
B – Russia
B – Saint Lucia
B – Saint Vincent & Grenadines
B – Serbia
B – South Africa
B – Suriname
B – Thailand
B – Tunisia
B – Turkey
B – Turks & Caicos Islands
B – Uruguay
B – Venezuela
Type C
C – Afghanistan
C – Albania
C – Algeria
C – Angola
C – Armenia
C – Bangladesh
C – Benin
C – Bhutan
C – Bolivia
C – Bosnia and Herzegovina
C – Burkina Faso
C – Burundi
C – Cambodia
C – Cameroon
C – Cape Verde Islands
C – Central Africa Republic
C – Chad
C – China
C – Comoros Islands
C – Congo, Dem Rep of the
C – Congo, Republic of the
C – Cote de Ivoire
C – Djibouti
C – East Timor
C – Egypt
C – Eritrea
C – Ethiopia
C – Fiji
C – Gambia, The
C – Gaza Strip (Inc. West Bank)
C – Georgia
C – Ghana
C – Guatemala
C – Guinea
C – Guinea-Bissau
C – Guyana
C – Haiti
C – Honduras
C – India
C – Indonesia
C – Iraq
C – Jordan
C – Kenya
C – Kiribati
C – Korea, North
C – Kosovo
C – Kyrgyzstan
C – Laos
C – Lesotho
C – Liberia
C – Madagascar
C – Malawi
C – Maldives
C – Mali
C – Marshall Islands
C – Mauritania
C – Mayotte
C – Micronesia, Federal States of
C – Moldova
C – Mongolia
C – Montserrat
C – Morocco
C – Mozambique
C – Myanmar
C – Namibia
C – Nauru
C – Nepal
C – Nicaragua
C – Niger
C – Nigeria
C – Niue
C – Pakistan
C – Papua New Guinea
C – Paraguay
C – Philippines
C – Rwanda
C – Saint Helena
C – Saint Pierre & Miquellon
C – Samoa
C – Sao Tome & Principe
C – Senegal
C – Sierra Leone
C – Solomon Islands
C – Somalia
C – Sri Lanka
C – Sudan
C – Swaziland
C – Syria
C – Tajikistan
C – Tanzania
C – Togo
C – Tokelau
C – Tonga
C – Turkmenistan
C – Tuvalu
C – Uganda
C – Ukraine
C – Uzbekistan
C – Vanuatu
C – Vietnam
C – Wallis and Futuna
C – West Bank
C – Yemen
C – Zambia
C – Zimbabwe

Additional school information

Questions about the School?

5 + 6 =


Rua Josadark Alves de França, 11
Santa Mônica - CEP 54767-620
Camaragibe – Pernambuco / Brazil
Mailing Address
Caixa Postal 64 – Camaragibe
CEP 54765-970 – Pernambuco